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13 Vacancies for today
3025 Active CVs
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13 Vacancies for today

About us


SMA “Siberian Maritime Agency” is a dynamically developing crewing company with office in Omsk and Novorossiysk, Russia. We have a lot of seafarers in our region who have wide experience on different types of vessels.
Our crewing “SMA” is able to provide officers and ratings for merchant, offshore and fishing fleet. Our online database includes thousands of professional seafarers of different ranks and vessels types. We always keep our database up-to-date in order to be able to provide our clients with appropriate candidates. All marine specialists in our database are certified in accordance with STCW regulations.

Our license

Our team

Our director and crew inspector has high marine education and years of experience at sea on different vessels type. This experience allow us to test our candidates for professional knowledge in accordance with the highest standards.

Why choose us

  • Dedicated office team
    We do our best to provide our clients with comprehensive and prompt support
  • Transparent recruitment scheme
    We earn the confidence of our clients by maintaining a reliable and honest business relation
  • Efficient recruitment procedure
    For the years of experience we maintain well-established recruiting procedure
  • Duly established communication
    We use modern technologies to provide our services in prompt and effective way
  • Fully understanding of clients demand
    Reliable, skilled human resource is the most obvious demand for ship managers
  • Cost-effective solution
    We help our clients to improve their business performance, by reducing operational expenses
  • Extensive database
    To be able to provide our clients with marine specialist we always monitoring the global market for the best candidates

We can provide marine specialists for the following types of vessel:

  • Dry Cargo fleet
  • Offshore fleet
  • Container fleet
  • Fishing fleet
  • Tanker fleet